Code of Conduct

This document outlines Square Peg's expectations for professional and personal conduct.


This Code summarises Square Peg’s expectations of professional and personal conduct. This applies to all Square Peg staff, contractors, founders, investors, mentors, advisors, volunteers, speakers and attendees of our events. This code also applies regardless of the context, whether you’re interacting with us in person, in writing, or through any other communications. 

This code is intended to promote integrity and ethical behaviour, and to guide individuals’ dealings with others. We take this code seriously, and failure to abide with this code may result in Square Peg taking appropriate action. 

Standards of Conduct

Below are some examples of unacceptable conduct:

  • Offensive language
  • Offensive behaviour
  • Violent behaviour
  • Undertaking any illegal activities
  • Bullying
  • Discriminatory language or behaviour based on sex, gender, religion, culture, disability, age, race or general vilification in any form
  • Any form of harassment, sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, assault, indecent or sexual assault, vilification or victimisation.


If you experience or are involved in any conduct that is unacceptable then please report to us in the following ways:

1) Contact our Chief Operating Officer: Amanda Hjorring. Your report will be treated with the strictest of confidence.

2) Report anonymously here.